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How was my first day at college??

Are you anxious about your first day in your college? Read this blog to know my experiences on first day of my college.

First day of my college was really a special day. New faces all around, new classrooms, new places made me more anxious. I was too excited to start my journey as a college student. The feelings on my first day were blended with excitement, anxiety, fear and curiosity. I'm studying Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) in International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H).

"College is the reward for surviving high school." —Judd Apatow

I and my parents had taken a flight from Bangalore to Hyderabad in the early morning. We were asked to report to the college in the morning. We had booked a hotel nearby to the college for my parents to stay. So, we checked in at the hotel, unloaded luggage in the room, freshened up, had breakfast and started our journey towards the college. After a 5-minutes travel, we were at the main entrance of the college. As we entered the campus we could see many anxious faces of parents and students.
As the welcome session was arranged for the newcomers, we headed towards the hall where the session was arranged. The apex members and mentors guided us to the hall. Parents were sent to another hall where the session was being live streamed. The session went on for roughly an hour. We were given some brochures and sheets containing schedule and other important details regarding the registration process. Then we were sent to finish our registration process in batches.

There were three rooms arranged for registration process and we were supposed to go through each room in a serial manner. In the first room, we had to submit our documents for cross verification. A sitting queue was made by arranging chairs in zig-zag manner. As the queue proceded, We were sent to the assigned person for verification. They checked the documents, verified them and finished the verification process. Then, they gave me some important documents (Temporary ID, receipts, hostel allocation document etc.,) and sent me to next room.
In the second room, I had to put a signature digitally and pose for a photo😄. Here also sitting queue was arranged with chairs for photo session. Then I was sent to another room. In the last room, I was given some books for the first semester and a LAN cable for internet access in our hostel room. However, internet access was restricted for 1st year students. The justification given for this was that internet access will hinder the student interactions. Then, we were left free for some time to finish hostel room allocation.

We went to hostel to get allocated to our rooms. It was a long queue out there. We had to provide our phone numbers to get a token from warden. After showing it to security guard, we were allowed to enter our details in the register book. Then we went to my room to see that my roomie was already there with his parents. We introduced ourselfs and started talking. The fun fact was that we both were from Bangalore. But we hadn't met each other anytime before. Then we bought some essential items for room (bed, bucket etc.,) from vendors who were selling them near the hostel.
Then came the lunch time. We had our lunch in mess (first meal in college). There are four messes in our college (called South mess, North mess, Yuktahar mess and Kadamba mess). Among these, only Kadamba mess had non-veg items, rest all messes had only veg items. I was allocated to South mess. The lunch was extremely good and we enjoyed eating there.

After having a heavy meal, we left to hotel to get my luggage. After coming back from hotel, I was called for campus tour by my mentor. All students were divided into batches and were assigned to different mentors. We went around the campus to know different locations and places in the campus. It was fun. Then we were let free for the day. I came back to room to see that my parents had arranged almost everything in the room. We relaxed for some time in the room. My roomie was not there and he had told that he would come to the room the next day.

It was evening and we went out for shopping to a nearby supermarket. We purchased some essential items and stationaries and returned to hostel. It was dinner time. We had a great dinner in the south mess. Then my parents returned to hotel to sleep and I stayed in the hostel room. As the day was quite a bit tiresome, I went asleep early.

It was a new experience for me as it was the first time I was staying in hostel far from my parents. But I got used to hostel life as time passed. And it's really a great memory to cherish upon.

"College days are the best days of life"


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